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Parent’s anger over knuckle duster threat at Cambridgeshire school

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A parent has claimed that a school has not taken action against a student he says threatened at least three fellow students with metal knuckle dusters.

The parent, who asked to remain anonymous, told CambsNews: “This child, a known bully, arrived at school with metal knuckle-dusters (illegal to possess, even in one’s own home).

“He threatened at least three students (possibly more) saying he would smash their faces in.

“My boy was understandably terrified. He told a teacher; the item was confiscated, and police informed.”

Unhappy with school

But the parent says he is unhappy at the way the school, Sir Harry Smith at Whittlesey, is handling the situation.

“They downplayed the whole incident,” said the parent.

“We got a call advising a student had attended with said knuckle-duster and it was confiscated.

“The head of year 7 said he wanted to nip any rumours in the bud – all about protecting the brand image!

“I believe the school did not pass our details to the police, clearly an attempt to remove us from investigations.”

The parent added: “The child is back in school after 2 weeks off. He’s also being allowed to go on PGL trip (which my boy is also set to go on) – the police have said this definitely shouldn’t happen and the school should take care of this, but they’re fully prepared to let him go.

“I am my wits end. The school don’t want to know – I can’t see anyone in person, and they don’t return calls.”

CambsNews has reached out to both the school and to police for comment.

A police spokesperson said: “An investigation has been raised relating to a 12-year-old boy allegedly threatening other students with a knuckle duster at the Sir Harry Smith Community College in “Whittlesey.

The incident is believed to have taken place on 28 April between 11.20am and 12.20pm, and enquiries are ongoing.

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“Anyone who has any information is urged to contact police via our web chat service quoting crime reference 35/32982/23 , or call us on 101 if you do not have internet access.”

This is not the only incident at the school –a new Facebook group  Students neglected at Sir Harry Smith-Help & Support for parents/carers has been set up to air issues.

It has more than 230 members.

Another parent has been in touch with CambsNews after her son, a year 7 student, had complained to the school about bullying.

“He has been having issues with a bully at the school since last September,” the parent said.

“The final straw was when he was assaulted on his way home on Wednesday.”

The parent said after repeated attempts to get a meeting at the school with the head, she finally managed to do so today.

Low presence of police 

“I understand what the head was saying – and this is the low presence of police in Whittlesey which makes their task more difficult. That’s where the issue is starting and seemingly nothing much can be done about it.”

She said the school promised to deal with the issue about the student she says has bullied her son but that will only be  when the alleged offender returns after a period of suspension for a separate incident.

“Sometimes I think I am being fobbed off – it took me this long for instance to even get to see someone at the school,” the parent said.

The parent believes teachers are either unwilling or unable to control much of the bullying within the school.

Children with knives

In the town, said the parent, there were instances of children “hanging round the Manor in groups, some of them with knives.

“The only police presence seems to be an occasional police visit to the school to talk about knife crime in assemblies.”


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