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Man with 24 convictions back in jail for robbing a Cambridgeshire Co-op

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A man who threatened and robbed a Cambridgeshire Co-op, and punched a customer, has been jailed.

Patrick Muddiman was caught after leaving his driving licence behind at the Co-op store in Brampton during the robbery.

Muddiman, 38, entered the Co-op store on the high street at just before 10pm on 3 March.

He immediately punched a shop customer who was standing at the till to the back of the head and shoved him hard out of the way.

He then threatened two staff working behind the tills, who handed him five- and ten-pound notes amounting to about £120.

Prolific criminal Patrick Muddiman who robbed a shop in Brampton was caught after leaving his driving licence inside a wallet at the scene.

Prolific criminal Patrick Muddiman who robbed a shop in Brampton was caught after leaving his driving licence inside a wallet at the scene.

Muddiman, of Whiteford Drive, Kettering, Northamptonshire, demanded £20 notes instead but when told these were kept elsewhere and staff didn’t have access to them, also demanded a packet of cigarettes.

He was restrained and tackled to the floor by another customer but punched the man he had assaulted earlier for a second time when he tried to help restrain him.

Soon after Muddiman fled, but accidentally left behind a black wallet containing his driving licence outside the shop.

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The theft of the cash and damage to the shop amounted to between £400 and £500, but the Co-op also lost about £7,000 in business after having to close for a day.

Prolific criminal Patrick Muddiman who robbed a shop in Brampton was caught after leaving his driving licence inside a wallet at the scene.

Prolific criminal Patrick Muddiman who robbed a shop in Brampton was caught after leaving his driving licence inside a wallet at the scene.

Muddiman, who has previous 24 convictions for 36 offences including theft, violence, and other robberies, was arrested but answered “no comment” when interviewed by police.

However, he later admitted charges of robbery and assault by beating and was sentenced at Peterborough Crown Court on Friday (12 May) where he was jailed for six years with an extra three years on licence.

Prolific criminal Patrick Muddiman who robbed a shop in Brampton was caught after leaving his driving licence inside a wallet at the scene.

Prolific criminal Patrick Muddiman who robbed a shop in Brampton was caught after leaving his driving licence inside a wallet at the scene.

DC Sarah Longbottom, who investigated, said: “This was an incredibly frightening incident for both customers and staff who were in the shop at the time and genuinely feared for their safety.

“I’d like to thank the brave shop customers who tried to help on the day – and was pleased to see the judge award the man who helped restrain Muddiman with a commendation.

“Muddiman was linked to the crime by shop CCTV and witnesses who identified him from his driving licence – a key part of evidence which he left behind.”


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