For years St Neots residents have been begging Huntingdonshire District Council to sort out the madness of cars and lorries parking on double yellow lines.
And blocking other drivers in and cars being dumped with no thought for mums with pushchairs, elderly or disabled people, or the routes of buses serving the community.
On Friday (yesterday) St Neots Market Square ground to a halt with long queues of cars stuck around the back of Market Square.
It was thanks to another driver parking badly in the one way system that a local bus got stuck, as did a long queue of cars.
Leaving the rear of his car sticking out into the road on the corner, the driver disappeared for more than 15 minutes and the bus simply could not get past, causing gridlock.
I am furious that nothing is being done while the problem just gets worse and worse.
St Neots has plenty of parking available, but it is now like the Wild West in the town.
People just park where they like with no thought for anyone but themselves, and every day large lorries park on the main road through the town ignoring double yellow lines, blocking traffic and pavements. Something has to be done, this has been building for years.
Under the previous Conservative administration, Hunts DC refused to support the introduction of civil parking enforcement leaving the work to an already stretched Cambs Police.
Because of this every day of the week sees roads through St Neots littered with parked lorries and cars, with nothing obvious being done to get the problem fixed.
The new Hunts Council elected in May has been quick to act and parking enforcement is now on the Horizon, though still not due to arrive until sometime in 2023!
While residents wait the parking madness in St Neots is not going away.