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Former Littleport man caught with 200 indecent images of children

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A man arrested two years ago at his Littleport home has been jailed for making and distributing indecent images of children.

Ryan Hart, 32, was found in possession of more than 200 indecent images.

He pleaded guilty to making and distributing indecent images of children after officers carried out a warrant at his home.

Police seized three phones during the warrant in July 2021, following intel reports from the National Crime Agency which suggested Hart had been uploading images to an internet chat room.

Of the images on the phones, 63 were category A, the most serious.

Ryan Hart, 32, pleaded guilty to making and distributing indecent images of children after officers carried out a warrant at his home.

Ryan Hart, 32, pleaded guilty to making and distributing indecent images of children after officers carried out a warrant at his home.

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Hart, more recently of Stow Road, Ixworth, Bury St Edmunds, lived in Littleport, Cambridgeshire, at the time the offences took place.

He pleaded guilty to six counts of making and distributing indecent images of children.

He was sentenced to 18 months in prison at Peterborough Crown Court on Monday (31 July).

DC Neal Holdsworth, from the Paedophile Online Investigation Team (POLIT), said: “Tackling online viewing and distributing of indecent images is a priority for police across the country and I hope this shows there are consequences for those who view such images.”

Anyone who has concerns about child abuse should contact Cambridgeshire Constabulary on 101, Children’s Social Care or the NSPCC.



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