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Jail for Cambridge shoplifter ‘who admits he steals to feed his drug addiction’

“We will continue to target spree offenders like Lundgren” says police

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A shoplifter who stole food, alcohol, Christmas lights and a kitchen tap from shops in Cambridge has been jailed for more than a year. Derek Lundgren, of no fixed address, took a drill from B&Q in Newmarket Road and hid it down his trousers on 8 November.

He returned on 13 November and left with boxes of Christmas lights.

The 58-year-old also stole from the Co-Op, in Perne Road, four times on 21 October stealing items including washing powder, beer, steak and coffee.

At Cambridge Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday (14 November), Derek Lundgren pleaded guilty to six counts of theft

At Cambridge Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday (14 November), Derek Lundgren pleaded guilty to six counts of theft

At Cambridge Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday (14 November), Lundgren pleaded guilty to six counts of theft and was sentenced to a year and eight weeks in prison.

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PC Kyle Marsden, who investigated, said: “Lundgren is a known prolific shoplifter who admits he steals to feed his drug addiction.

“These offences, although on the face of it may seem minor, cause misery to shopworkers.

“This sentence will not only give retailers in Cambridge some respite, but it will also give Lundgren a significant amount of time to take up the support services which will be available to him to get the help he needs.

“We will continue to target spree offenders like Lundgren to make Cambridge a safer place to work and shop.”



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