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61 wraps of cocaine and 18 wraps of heroin found in St Neots house

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A drug dealer selling crack cocaine and heroin between London and St Neots has been jailed.

Residents in St Neots contacted police with concerns of drug dealing in Loves Way.

At Cambridge Crown Court on Thursday (12 January),  drug dealer Robbie Holding, 21,  of no fixed address, was sentenced to two years and three months in prison.

Acting on the information received, police officers visited the home thought to be involved in February last year (2022) and found 21-year-old Robbie Holding inside with 61 wraps of crack cocaine and 18 wraps of heroin in his trouser leg.

He also had £615 in cash in his pockets and two mobile phones, one which was linked to the ‘Rico’ county line operating between London and St Neots.

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At Cambridge Crown Court on Thursday (12 January), Holding, of no fixed address, was sentenced to two years and three months in prison.

He had previously pleading guilty to possession with intent to supply crack cocaine and heroin and possession of criminal property.

PC Amadae Dowd, from the neighbourhood support team, said: “Thanks to the information we received from the public, we caught Holding red handed and were able to attribute his phone to the ‘Rico’ drugs line.

“Drugs bring misery and violence to our communities, and we urge members of the public to continue reporting information to us.”



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