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MP Paul Bristow wins support for dining out photos

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Critics of MP Paul Bristow found themselves outnumbered when they tried to criticism him after he was photographed eating out at a new Peterborough diner.

“Do you ever do any kind of work?” said one critic after he posted photos to his constituency Facebook page

“If so, what sort of work do you do? Or is eating out and taking pictures of yourself on various street corners the sum total of the job of an MP”?

Carry on – the message to MP Paul Bristow after finding most back his support of local cafes and restaurants after he posted phots of a visit to Karak Chai in Lincoln Road, Peterborough

Carry on – the message to MP Paul Bristow after finding most back his support of local cafes and restaurants after he posted phots of a visit to Karak Chai in Lincoln Road, Peterborough

Another moaned about “the amount of photo ops and eating out you do… I can’t imagine much time for anything else… I mean, you can’t fit much more into a 4–6-hour workday?”

But Mr Bristow found the majority of comments backed him and supported his campaign to promote Peterborough businesses.

Carry on – the message to MP Paul Bristow after finding most back his support of local cafes and restaurants after he posted phots of a visit to Karak Chai in Lincoln Road, Peterborough

Carry on – the message to MP Paul Bristow after finding most back his support of local cafes and restaurants after he posted phots of a visit to Karak Chai in Lincoln Road, Peterborough

And in answer to the questioner who wanted to know what else he did he replied: “Yep lots – check out my timeline. You will see surgeries, visits, campaigns, and speeches in Parliament.”

Mr Bristow added: “I can’t advertise everything I do because it involves complex and confidential casework.

“I know I often look like I am enjoying this job. But the truth is – I do.

“I recognise how lucky I am to represent my home city in Parliament. I am sorry if it upsets some people.”

One supporter posted: “He is only doing what every MP in the UK does – it’s literally part of his job!

‘MPs also attend functions, visit schools and businesses, and generally try to meet as many people as possible.

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“This gives MPs further insight and context into issues they may discuss when they return to Westminster.’

Carry on – the message to MP Paul Bristow after finding most back his support of local cafes and restaurants after he posted phots of a visit to Karak Chai in Lincoln Road, Peterborough

Carry on – the message to MP Paul Bristow after finding most back his support of local cafes and restaurants after he posted phots of a visit to Karak Chai in Lincoln Road, Peterborough

Another wrote: “I would just like to point out that when I met with Paul Bristow for first time in person for my charity we met at a local pub for lunch, and he paid for my dinner.

“Just because he gets invited it doesn’t mean it’s free and if it is free then that is up to the business. Plus, it is still a working lunch as he is meeting with the business at the same time as the business is still part of his constituency.

“I don’t get why people have such an issue with it.

“At least he tells us what he is doing when he can. He still goes to Parliament every single week, having to spend time away from his young family for his constituents.”

Another followed with “Paul Bristow does more than people know.

“He has helped me and others in all sorts over the last few years whereas other people I can honestly say have nothing to post but Paul has for the right reasons.

“Well done Paul onwards and upwards.”

One other post pointed out that “you would all be moaning if he never showed his face anywhere!”.

It was left to one discerning judge of food to point out the merits of the Karak Chai restaurant Mr Bristow visited.

“It has good choices and definitely a regular… the staff are amazing and always welcome with a warm smile,” wrote one happy diner.




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