A couple from Cambridge have relived the moment they claimed their £1m National Lottery win.
When Holly Saul (30) and Ben Lowther (39) scooped the life-changing win, they were struggling to hold down full-time jobs while working from their cramped kitchen and trying to keep their toddler and teen happy.
When Holly discovered the win a year ago, unsurprisingly top of their wish list was finding a forever home and helping family.
Holly said: “Not a day has gone by that we haven’t counted our blessings.
“That day we just stared at each other giggling and still, a year later, we do the same. I occasionally watch the film Ben took of me claiming the win and it feels as amazing now as it did then.
“We’re just so lucky, and now, standing in our new home, I still have to pinch myself!
Holly discovered their win in October last year when she checked her National Lottery EuroMillions ticket after a disappointing day shopping for furniture to improve their home office situation.
She laughed as she remembers that afternoon.

“I can still remember that moment I called the National Lottery line and had the win confirmed. I don’t ever want to take our change in fortunes for granted. I want to always remember our life is like this because luck smiled down on us.”
Photographer: James Robinson / www.James-Robinson.co.uk
“I’d only played EuroMillions after my father-in-law posted on the family WhatsApp group, ‘big draw tonight, don’t forget your tickets’”, she said.
“Ben had said he wasn’t gullible enough to play, but I thought ‘why not’ and had bought a couple of tickets online on the National Lottery website. I can’t tell you how pleased I am that I did!
“I can still remember that moment I called the National Lottery line and had the win confirmed. I don’t ever want to take our change in fortunes for granted. I want to always remember our life is like this because luck smiled down on us.”
And on their new home, Holly said, “I think most people have a slightly different set of priorities when looking for their dream home.
“All I wanted was one with a dishwasher and plenty of space, enough for Ben to have an office and for me to host Christmas. The minute we stepped into the house I knew we’d found the one!
“My aunt, who sadly passed away far too young, was the only person who had enough space to host a big Christmas gathering for the whole family with aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents all celebrating together.
“I like to think I can now rekindle her traditional gathering at future Christmas’. She will be smiling down on us – I just hope I do her proud with the catering!
“It certainly feels right, she lived in Henley and our new home is called Henley, so the family Christmas at Henley tradition lives on.”
For Holly and Ben, who have two children, family is everything and being able to share the winning experience with their parents has also been high on the list of priorities.
Ben said: “Thanks to the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ we were able to secure a shared ownership house, and while we had managed to pay them back, they were all worried about how we were going to make ends meet in the future.

“I can still remember that moment I called the National Lottery line and had the win confirmed. I don’t ever want to take our change in fortunes for granted. I want to always remember our life is like this because luck smiled down on us.”
Photographer: James Robinson / www.James-Robinson.co.uk
“Then with one very lucky break, we have a home, and they have a lot less to worry about!”
Ben said: “Holly and I have been together for nine years and always planned to marry one day but with two children and the cost of living, a wedding was looking like something we would celebrate much further down the line.
“Now, thanks to one chunky dose of luck, I have been able to propose – in Paris no less! – and we can start to plan the perfect wedding, and our family can all gather for another celebration.”
Putting family first has also been much easier since the win with Holly able to temporarily give up work.
She said: “I have worked full time since I was 16, only having time off for maternity leave, and while I do enjoy working and am proud of my career, I’m so humbled that I can put that on pause for a couple of years and spend more time with the children.
“Like so many mums I was chasing my tail and I know I’m incredibly lucky to be able to take some time out to be a little more present in their lives.”
While Holly is taking her sabbatical from work Ben is thoroughly enjoying his.
He said: “Before that winning day, Holly and I were homeworking in our tiny kitchen with two children in and out, desperately trying to stay on top of everything and juggling the finances.
“Now I have a job I really enjoy, and I work in the comfort of my own home office, tucked away from the noise of family life, but close enough that my ‘commute’ back to my family is a flight of stairs!”