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Cambridgeshire Lib Dem MPs unite in call for Labour to tackle health crisis

‘We must see action to bring NHS dentists back’

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Two Cambridgeshire Liberal Democrat MPs – Ian Sollom and Charlotte Cane – believe the Labour government must prioritise the NHS, mental health, and the lack of dentists.

Responding to the King’s Speech, Liberal Democrat MP for Ely & East Cambridgeshire, Charlotte Cane said: “Laws to start tackling the crisis in our mental health services and stop filthy sewage entering our rivers are welcome.

“However, we need to see more action to tackle the immense challenges facing our community after years of Conservative chaos, especially on health, social care, and child poverty.

“The Conservative Party completely neglected local health services in Ely & East Cambridgeshire for years, leaving people with long waits to see a GP, have hospital tests and operations, or get the social care they need.

“There aren’t even any dentists in Ely & East Cambridgeshire taking on NHS patients.

Charlotte Cane, MP for Ely, and East Cambridgeshire

Charlotte Cane, MP for Ely, and East Cambridgeshire


She added: “This crisis has to be addressed and I will be pressing ministers every step of the way to put our NHS and care at the heart of their agenda.

“We must see action to bring NHS dentists back to Ely & East Cambridgeshire following the King’s Speech. People in Ely & East Cambridgeshire simply cannot wait any longer.

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Ms Cane said: “One glaring omission from the King’s Speech was action to end the two-child benefit cap. I welcome the setting up of a child poverty task force, but children in poverty cannot wait for their conclusions.

“We know that ending the two-child benefit cap will instantly lift at least 300,000 children out of poverty. Labour should lift that cruel cap immediately.”

Ian Sollom, Liberal Democrat MP for St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire, said: “I welcome laws to bring about tougher regulation of water companies and address the paucity of our mental health services, particularly for young people which I will be looking for more detail on from the Government soon.

“However, I’m disappointed not to see more action to tackle the top concern of many in St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire and across the country at the recent general election: the desperate need to improve our health services and transform social care.”

Ian Sollom, MP for St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire

Ian Sollom, MP for St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire

He added: “Too many years of neglect under the Conservatives have left too many people struggling to see a GP when they need to, or even register with an NHS dentist.

“Growth in our area has exacerbated this national crisis, and I will be challenging ministers to do more.”

Mr Sollom said: People in St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire cannot wait any longer.”



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