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Cambridge paedophile rapist jailed for more than 30 years

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A “highly manipulative” paedophile who filmed himself raping a young girl and sexually assaulting another has been jailed for more than 30 years.

Kevin Brock, of Cam Causeway, Cambridge, also lured dozens more girls into sending him sexual images and videos of themselves by promising them more social media followers.

Brock abused the two girls – both under the age of 13 – in the county in 2021.

He raped the younger of his two victims on three separate occasions.

Another slightly older girl was groomed over a few years and sexually assaulted three times – with some of this abuse also filmed.

Kevin Brock, of Cam Causeway, Cambridge, was sentenced at Peterborough Crown Court on Monday where he was handed a total of 32 years in prison.

Kevin Brock, of Cam Causeway, Cambridge, was sentenced at Peterborough Crown Court on Monday where he was handed a total of 32 years in prison.

The abuse came to light in December 2021 when messages were found on one of the girl’s devices by a family member, who called police.

Brock, 28, was arrested but in police interview denied ever touching the girls sexually. He admitted sending the messages to the older girl, but claimed they weren’t meant in a sexual nature.

Brock denied all charges against him but later admitted a total of 27 offences, including:

  • Three counts of raping a girl under 13
  • Engaging in sexual communication with a child
  • Two counts of sexually assaulting a girl under 13
  • Sexually assaulting a girl under 13 by penetration
  • 13 counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity
  • Three counts of possessing indecent images of children
  • Four counts of making indecent images of children

He was sentenced at Peterborough Crown Court on Monday where he was handed a total of 32 years in prison.

Sentencing Brock, Judge Rupert Lowe said the offences revealed him to be a “persistent, predatory and highly manipulative paedophile” with a “deep rooted” sexual interest in young girls.

He said the offending was “sexual abuse in the most appalling way” for both girls, adding that Brock “recorded and retained” the footage, no doubt intending to view it later for sexual gratification.

The court had been told a police search of Brock’s home when two phones were seized.

Analysis of these revealed a total of 1401 indecent images and videos of children, which included the rape and sexual abuse of the two young girls.

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There were 809 category C images or videos, 350 category B and 242 category A – the most severe.

Brock gave “no comment” answers in a further interview with police following the discovery of this material.

In July last year, investigations by another force revealed Brock had targeted another girl under 13 on Tik Tok and asked for sexual images of her in exchange for followers on the video sharing platform.

Brock had urged the girl, who lived in Nottinghamshire, to add him on Snapchat before asking for sexual photos of her.

The photos progressed to videos of the girl engaging in sexual activity, with Brock threatening to ban her from Snapchat if she didn’t comply with his demands.

Brock was arrested but claimed his account must have been hacked and told officers he didn’t speak to underage girls.

Further videos discovered by police on Brock’s phone revealed conversations with at least a dozen other underage girls, who he had also encouraged to engage in sexual activity and send him photos and videos.

DC Charlie Mitton, from the force’s Child Abuse Investigation and Safeguarding Unit (CAISU), said: “Our thoughts are with the two young girls Brock targeted in the most horrific of ways, and his other victims who were targeted online.

“We are pleased he has now been brought to justice and we hope the sentence imposed gives his victims and their families some closure from this traumatic period in their lives.”

DC Mitton said investigations revealed Brock would trawl through hundreds of underage girls’ profiles on Tik Tok, watch them on live streams and send them direct messages promising them hundreds of “likes”, causing their accounts to skyrocket in popularity.

She added: “However, in exchange for these likes, which there was never any evidence he could provide, Brock would ask for sexual images or videos of them. This behaviour is highly manipulative, as vulnerable children are often attached to their social media influence.

“Phones and social media mean children can be vulnerable to those who prey on their innocence and exploit their trust. We would urge parents to speak to their children about online safety and consider exactly who they are communicating with online.

“We would also encourage anyone who believes they may have been subject to similar behaviour by Brock to get in touch.

“Protecting young people from harm is one of our top priorities and we have specially trained officers who are there to support victims and bring offenders to justice.”




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