A teenager who threatened a woman he had never met before with a knife at a bus station in Peterborough has been jailed.
Unprovoked, Jedidiah Clay, 19, and a friend began shouting “paedo” at the woman at Queensgate Bus Station on 10 September last year and became aggressive when challenged.
Clay began shouting “you, you”, while pulling up his top to reveal a knife handle in his waistband.
The victim got on a bus before calling the police and Clay was arrested despite trying to run away.
While on bail, Clay threatened a group of men with a samurai sword at the YMCA hostel, in Gonville Place, Cambridge, on 9 January.

Clay chased the men, swinging the sword at them, before putting it back in his waistband and leaving.
He was arrested at Parkside Swimming Pool and Gym.
On Thursday (4 May), at Peterborough Crown Court, Clay, of Gonville Place, Cambridge, was jailed for one year and nine months.
He pleaded guilty to possession of a knife in a public place, using threatening words with intent to cause fear of violence and threatening a person with an offensive weapon in a public place.
DC Antonio Fernandez said: “These were cowardly offences where Clay has threatened innocent people with weapons for no reason. Carrying a knife is never necessary, it is dangerous as well as illegal.
“Tackling knife crime is a force priority and we will do everything in our power to get weapons off the streets of Cambridgeshire.”
A countywide weapons amnesty will take place next week allowing people to hand in knives and other items without fear of prosecution.
Weapons amnesty for Cambridgeshire after 6 pc rise in knife offences
The amnesty starts on Monday.