Police seized a knuckleduster from a 19-year-old man in Peterborough.
A police spokesperson warned that only are they illegal to have them in public but also to own them.

“City Centre neighbourhood team seized this knuckleduster,” said a police spokesperson.

“As of July, last year it was made illegal to own them full stop – including having them in your home.
“All this week we are holding a weapons amnesty where you can bring prohibited weapons into certain police stations and dispose of them in our bins.
“We’ve got one here at Thorpe Wood. For more info about the amnesty and what is illegal.”

In Ely police took a mobile amnesty bin out into Ely market today as part of the knife crime week of action.
They also spoke to shoppers and store holders about issues such as anti-social behaviour and purse snatching.
Visit Cambridgeshire Police website for more information on the week of action and ongoing amnesty: https://bit.ly/3hPY8eW