A house in Woodston, Peterborough, has been closed by police following concerns about “cuckooing” and associated criminality. The full closure order was served on 7 Orchard Mews on Wednesday 19 February following a successful application at Huntingdon Magistrates’ Court by the local Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT).
The order, which is in place until 19 May, states the house is closed to everyone, including the legal tenant, except for emergency services, Clarion Housing Association, and their agents.
Failure to comply with the order is a criminal offence which could result in imprisonment for up to three months, a fine, or both.
PC Harriet Gedney, from the southern NPT, said: “Cuckooing is a term used to describe when the home of a vulnerable person is taken over by someone to commit crime such as using it to deal, store or take drugs, as a place for them to live, or to financially abuse the tenant by befriending them with the intent of exploiting them.

“The issues reported to us have been affecting neighbours for a while now, with us receiving calls about violence and general anti-social behaviour, all of which are believed to be associated with drug use and dealing.
“I hope this action gives those impacted by the issues some respite. We will enforce the order through regular checks and take action against anyone found to be in breach of it.”
Anyone with information about the order being breached should contact police via the webchat service or online forms at https://www.cambs.police.uk/report.
Those without internet access should call 101