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St Neots car park drug dealer caught and jailed

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A drug dealer caught red handed by police has been jailed.

Huntingdon officers were on patrol in St Neots on 9 June when they spotted Jayden Timbrell carrying out a suspected drug deal in the corner of a car park.

The officers pulled in front of Timbrell’s vehicle and after searching him and the car found a knife, £1,235 in cash, two mobile phones and a rucksack containing cannabis.

They then searched the 24-year-old’s home in De Havilland Avenue, Shortstown, Bedford, and found cocaine worth £960.

Jayden Timbrell – jailed for drug dealing in St Neots

At Huntingdon Crown Court on Tuesday (13 December), Timbrell was sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty to possession with intent to supply class A and cannabis, possession of a bladed article, driving while disqualified and driving without insurance.

He was also disqualified from driving for two years.

PC James Sims, from the Huntingdon neighbourhood team, said: “Drugs have no place in our community, they fuel crime and exploitation.

“We will continue to pursue and bring to justice those who cause misery in our communities.”


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