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Three-and-a-half years jail for drug dealer – that’s a wrap!

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A dealer repeatedly tried to ditch his drugs before police could search him.

Bilal Dawlatzai, 21, was arrested on several occasions over the last 18 months and would often throw his drugs into nearby bushes or gardens as soon as he spotted a police officer, a court heard.

But justice has caught up with him and he has been jailed for three-and-a-half years.

Police patrols across the eastern and city centre areas of Peterborough by the local neighbourhood policing and neighbourhood support teams resulted in several interactions with Dawlatzai.

Despite his best efforts to disassociate himself from any illegal substances, a combination of witness statements and DNA testing linked Dawlatzai to hundreds of pounds worth of drugs, including cannabis, heroin and crack cocaine.

On one occasion on 20 February last year, Dawlatzai was spotted driving a blue Audi in St Pauls Road, central Peterborough.

Suspecting his involvement in drug dealing, police officers followed him into Cowper Road, where he ditched the car and ran off but was soon caught and detained for a search where officers found cash, pills and a “burner” phone, as well as a stash of cannabis, heroin and a further mobile phone inside the car.

Other times Dawlatzai threw bags of drugs into bushes outside schools, thankfully they were recovered by police.

On 22 July last year, officers again spotted Dawlatzai, this time in a silver Audi. Knowing he did not have a valid driving licence, he was signalled to pull over but sent police on a run-around the Dogsthorpe Road area, with him reaching speeds of 50 mph in a 30-mph zone.

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Dawlaztai was repeatedly arrested and given court bail, until 14 June this year when officers from the eastern Peterborough Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT), who were on routine patrols in the Millfield area, arrested him.

Officers saw Dawlatzai, who was well-known to them by now, having been arrested for drug offences just four days previously.

Witnessing what they believed was a drug deal, the officers headed towards him when he threw a package into some nearby bushes.

The bag was found to have 63 wraps of heroin and crack cocaine, prompting his arrest for being in possession of class A drugs with intent to supply.

He was also found to be in possession of £400 cash and two mobile phones which were found to have evidence of drug dealing on them.

Dawlatzai, of South Parade, West Town, Peterborough, was remanded in prison and appeared at Cambridge Crown Court on Tuesday (20 September) where he was sentenced to three-and-a-half years.

He had previously admitted two counts of possession of cannabis, three counts of possession with intent to supply cannabis, possession with intent to supply crack cocaine, possession with intent to supply heroin, drug driving, two counts of dangerous driving, two counts of driving without a licence and two counts of driving without insurance.

He has also been disqualified from driving for a year and nine months.

Detective Sergeant Lee Womack, who investigated, said: “Dawlatzai has been arrested numerous times in recent years, predominantly by the neighbourhood teams who have been hot on his tail, persistently pursuing him which ultimately led to the culmination of offences and evidence which we were able to put before the courts, leading to 14 charges and three-and-a-half years in prison.”


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