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Two men and a woman jailed for dawn attack on Peterborough man

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Three people have been jailed after attacking a man in his Peterborough home.

In the early hours of 19 November last year, John Kennedy, 42, Derek Nash, 49, and Selena Rosella, 37, entered their victims’ home in Eastfield Road and attacked him using weapons.

Rosella knocked on the door at about 5.30am, claiming to have had an argument with her boyfriend, before the 60-year-old victim allowed her inside.

Selina Rosella

As she entered, Nash and Kennedy followed, stabbing the man in his arm, chest, and abdomen, as well as hitting him over the head with a machete.

The trio then ransacked the house looking for drugs before leaving with a small amount of cash and a candle.

All three appeared at Cambridge Crown Court on Thursday (15 December) for sentencing after pleading guilty to committing joint enterprise grievous bodily harm without intent and joint enterprise theft.

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Kennedy and Nash also admitted being in possession of a machete.

John Kennedy

Kennedy, of no fixed address, was jailed for four years and four months, Nash, of Figtree Walk, Dogsthorpe, was jailed for four years, and Rosella, of Shakespeare Avenue, New England, was jailed for three years and seven months.

All three have been made subject of a five-year restraining order prohibiting them from contacting the victim.

Derek Nash

Detective Constable Stephanie Dunlop, who investigated, said: “This was a planned attack, all to try to get their hands on some drugs.

“Thankfully, the injuries sustained by the victim were not life-altering, or even fatal, but understandably the whole incident has had a lasting effect on him, leaving him fearful in his own home.”



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