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Woman raped while she was asleep

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A man who raped a woman while she was sleeping has been jailed for seven years.

Nya Kuatois, 31, was arrested on 23 August, 2020, following the incident at a property in Cambridge.

The victim told officers she was awoken by Kuatois raping her while she slept.

Kuatois, of Glenalmond Avenue, Cambridge, denied the offence but was found guilty of rape at Cambridge Crown Court on 26 August this year.

He was sentenced at the same court and placed on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely.

The survivor has issued this statement:

“Going through this has highlighted to me how much is still to be done on educating the world on what consent actually is.

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“I am not an object, I am a mum, a girlfriend, a young woman who was enjoying a night out with friends.

“I hope that one day there will be a silver lining to this, and he will think twice before acting again, not for fear of criminal proceedings, but out of respect for women and their bodies, their feelings, and their lives.”

DC Sarah Lloyd said: “I hope Kuatois uses his time in prison to reflect on his actions, which have understandably had a lasting impact on his victim. I would like to commend her for her bravery in coming forward and supporting a conviction.

“I would like to take this opportunity to encourage anyone who believes they may have been a victim of any form of sexual abuse to report it to police. Please be assured that we will always treat you with the utmost sensitivity and respect.

“Reporting a sexual assault or rape can be extremely difficult. We take all reports seriously and have trained staff who support victims through the process.

“Survivors of sexual violence can have confidence the police and other partner agencies will support them throughout the investigation and criminal justice process.”

If you or someone you love has been the victim of a serious sexual offence, there are support options available on the police rape and sexual assault page.


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