Planning inspectors have revealed details of a tour of Wisbech to look at the site of a £300m proposed mega incinerator.
The Planning Inspectorate is considering the application by Medworth CHP Limited to allow the building of the Medworth Energy from Waste (EfW) Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Facility.
Examining Inspector Andre Pinto says he undertook the inspection by car and on foot on public accessible land.
The Planning Inspectorate says it included highways and public rights of way, “therefore advance permission to enter land was not required.
“This allowed the inspections to be undertaken on an unaccompanied basis.
“A route was planned based on the applicant’s application documents and having regard to issues raised in relevant representations.
“This enabled the ExA (Examining Authority) to obtain views of, and to become familiar with, the application site and the surrounding area”.
The Planning Inspectorate says this was mainly the proposed location for the main EfW CHP facility site, the location of the CHP Connection along the disused March to Wisbech railway, the proposed construction site, and the proposed grid connection route up to the Walsoken Substation.
“Further site inspections may be required”.
Further inspections are planned and “an opportunity will be provided, in due course, to propose site inspections of private land; land where accompaniment is required for safety and related reasons; and land where specific features need to be drawn to the ExA’s attention on an accompanied basis”.
The Planning Inspectorate is also inspecting potential sites for future public hearings.
Here’s what the visiting inspector reported on their two-day visit:
Day 1: 23 November Weather: Mostly rainy and cloudy skies, with some openings throughout the day. The temperature was cold. Visibility: Good at all times.
The Inspection commenced at 8:30 and concluded at 16:00. The proposed application site was approached by car travelling eastbound from Peterborough in the direction of Wisbech.
The ExA began by observing the wider area surrounding the application site, approaching it by car via Cromwell Road (B198), Salters Way, Weasenham Lane, New Drove and New Bridge Lane.

The ExA then observed the application site from New Bridge Lane, stopping by Potty Plants Nursery.
The ExA walked along New Bridge Lane from VP1 to 9 New Bridge Lane, viewing the application site to the North.
The ExA travelled along New Drove, stopping to look at the application site by the chalet on New Drove and 127 New Drove.

The ExA travelled via Weasenham Lane and Cromwell Road (B198) in order to observe the application site from this vantage point.
The ExA travelled to Boleness Road, stopping by 101 Boleness Road and walking along the existing footpath until the end of Boleness Road, viewing the application site to the West of Boleness Road.
The ExA travelled from Boleness Road to Algores Way, stopping by 57 Algores Way in order to view the application site from this route.

The ExA, by car, travelled southbound along Cromwell Road (B198) and then eastbound along the A47 up to the Walsoken Substation.
During this route the ExA paid particular attention to views of the appeal site, located to the West.
The ExA, by car, travelled to King’s Lynn, via the Walton Highway Area, stopping by the King’s Lynn Bus Station area.
The ExA concluded by travelling back to Wisbech and the appeal site, via the A17 and the Sutton Bridge area

On the 24 November 2022, the ExA and the case manager, Tracey Williams, visited venues within the wider Wisbech area for potential hearings.
1: The ExA began by observing the wider area surrounding the application site, approaching it by car via Cromwell Road (B198), Salters Way, Weasenham Lane, New Drove and New Bridge Lane (Figure 1).
2: The ExA travelled to the application site, from VP2 to Boleness Road, stopping by 101 Boleness Road and the walking along the existing footpath until the end of Boleness Road, viewing the application site to the West of Boleness Road (Figure 2).
3 The ExA travelled from Boleness Road to Algores Way, stopping by 57 Algores Way in order to view the application site from this route (Figure 3).
4: The ExA, by car, travelled southbound along Cromwell Road (B198) and then eastbound along the A47 up to the Walsoken Substation. During this route the ExA paid particular attention to views of the appeal site, located to the West, from VP5 (Figure 4).