Friday 22 November marked four years since the previous government’s consultation on pavement parking in England closed. Cars parked on, and sometimes hogging the whole pavement, will be a familiar sight to many.
Pavement parking is dangerous especially for families with young children, people with sight loss and disabled people.
A recent poll found that 87 per cent of parents have had to walk in the road because of a vehicle blocking the pavement. It damages pavement surfaces too.
Living Streets has been campaigning on this issue for over 50 years and it’s high time we saw an end to the problem.
Pavement parking has been banned (with exemptions) in London since the 1970s. Scotland adopted a similar approach to London which came into force earlier this year. The Welsh Government has indicated they will take action on pavement parking – but England is way behind.

We hope your readers will join Living Streets and supporters like me, in urging the new Government to deal with the troubling legacy of pavement parking once and for all. Everyone will be the better for it.
Yours faithfully,
Lesley Rumble
Queen Edith’s Way
Link to Living Streets campaign here:
EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE: A similar letter supporting the campaign was also received from Rosalind Lund of Arbury Road, Cambridge.