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Make your mind up as flood warnings kick in for Whittlesey roads

River levels remain high in the Peterborough area following persistent rainfall

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As always, drivers make up their own minds – and for Whittlesey residents that moment is again now. The decision, of course, is whether North Bank Road is safe to use.

“Flood warning for North Bank Road alongside the River Nene, east of Peterborough and west of Dog-in-a-Doublet Sluice,” says the Environment Agency.

Road starts to flood as severe flood warning is issued for the B1040, Whittlesey
Monday 11 December 2023.
Picture by Terry Harris.

Which is warning enough for most – but not all.

“River levels remain high in the Peterborough area following persistent rainfall,” says the EA.

Road starts to flood as severe flood warning is issued for the B1040,B1040, Whittlesey Monday 11 December 2023. Picture by Terry Harris.

Road starts to flood as severe flood warning is issued for the B1040, Whittlesey
Monday 11 December 2023.
Picture by Terry Harris.

“During periods of high tide, the river Nene will be unable to discharge into the sea, resulting in tide lock conditions.

“Whilst this flood warning remains in force, the local authority will close North Bank Road and diversionary routes will be in place.

Road starts to flood as severe flood warning is issued for the B1040,B1040, Whittlesey Monday 11 December 2023. Picture by Terry Harris.

Road starts to flood as severe flood warning is issued for the B1040, Whittlesey
Monday 11 December 2023.
Picture by Terry Harris.

“Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.

“We are closely monitoring the situation.”

It concludes with “Flood warning area: North Bank Road alongside the River Nene to the east of Peterborough and the West of the Dog-in-a-Doublet Sluice.”

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Peterborough City Council says: “The B1040 and North Bank can on occasion be closed because of the risk of flooding which can prevent access, damage the surface of the road and even deposit debris on the road that could cause an accident.

“When either of these roads are closed the relevant highways authorities will put signs in place to indicate the diversion route that road users can take.

“Cambridgeshire County Council are responsible for B1040 and Peterborough City Council for North Bank.

“Historically there have been occasions when road users have passed these closure signs and become stranded, this is illegal, putting unnecessary pressure on the emergency services and invalidates any insurance for the vehicle.”

Road starts to flood as severe flood warning is issued for the B1040,B1040, Whittlesey Monday 11 December 2023. Picture by Terry Harris.

Road starts to flood as severe flood warning is issued for the B1040, Whittlesey
Monday 11 December 2023.
Picture by Terry Harris.

The city council adds: “Some local residents may already know how to find out about when these roads are closed but for those who do not please see below:

“Cambridgeshire County Council, Peterborough City Council and the Environment Agency all have Twitter accounts that notify residents when flood warnings are in place for these roads and when they will be closed. To sign up to these please search for; @Cambs_Traffic@PeterboroughCC and @LincsOpsEA. ”

Road starts to flood as severe flood warning is issued for the B1040,B1040, Whittlesey Monday 11 December 2023. Picture by Terry Harris.

Road starts to flood as severe flood warning is issued for the B1040, Whittlesey
Monday 11 December 2023.
Picture by Terry Harris.

Road starts to flood as severe flood warning is issued for the B1040,B1040, Whittlesey Monday 11 December 2023. Picture by Terry Harris.

Road starts to flood as severe flood warning is issued for the B1040,  Whittlesey
Monday 11 December 2023.
Picture by Terry Harris.

Road starts to flood as severe flood warning is issued for the B1040,B1040, Whittlesey Monday 11 December 2023. Picture by Terry Harris.

Road starts to flood as severe flood warning is issued for the B1040, Whittlesey
Monday 11 December 2023.
Picture by Terry Harris.

The council says the Environment Agency provide the Floodline Warnings and regular roads users can call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 to register your location as an ‘area of interest’ so you can receive any flood warnings that are issued directly to your home and mobile phones, or by text message or even email  – whatever suits you best.


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