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Motocross track planned for Huntingdonshire village

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Two directors have applied for planning permission to open a motocross track six miles from Huntingdon.

James Chambers and Josh Fox are directors of Weston Park MX and hope Huntingdonshire District Council will approve their application for a motocross track at Grove Lane, Ellington.

James said: “Having ridden motorbikes on this field for a few decades now, I know the enjoyment that this sport can bring.

“We want to do things the right way and give something back to the community that I grew up in. I cannot wait to buy Little Jimmy (my son) his first bike.”

 Josh said: “I have not been able to ride for a few years now due to a lack of places to go. I cannot wait to get the gates open and build a new MX family.

“This is going to be a fantastic asset to the area and somewhere for me and my son to ride safely and legally.”

Both have written a planning statement to Huntingdonshire council and are encouraging people to take part in a public debate about their proposals.

“We really are trying to work with the local community to provide the area with a valuable asset for adults and children alike,” they say.

“There is a huge demand for a local facility like this. It will get motor bikers off local green lanes, bridleways, and farmers’ land. It will also get some kids off their games consoles and out doing exercise as well as meeting new friends.

“Motocross is a fantastic community sport and who knows, possibly the next world champion could be a local boy or girl”

The directors say they amassed over 4,000 social media followers within the first month of launching their Facebook page.

“We have had hundreds of messages through social media and emails stating how pleased people are that there is now going to be a local track.

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“Many local businesses and individuals have approached us to ask if they can help in any way as they know what a fantastic project we are trying to build. They believe in our vision and our approach.

“We have a handful of extremely talented young local riders who must travel 50+ miles just to ride safely and partake in their hobby. For this reason alone, many young riders fall out of love with the sport due to the ever-decreasing number of tracks.”

Weston Park MX says they only ever plan to open on a Wednesday and a Saturday between 10am-3pm.

“We will be working with a number of local charities and raising much needed funds for them,” they say.

“With the amount of people attending our track weekly and the social media following that we have, we are in a perfect position to give something back.

“This facility can have a very positive impact on the local community.”

They say the motocross tackle will:

Get motorbike riders of the local bridleways and farmland as they will now have somewhere to ride safely and legally.

“They will be training all track marshals (recruited locally) in First Aid and teaching them invaluable skills.

People will attend the track from all over the UK and therefore spending money locally before and after they have finished riding.

“Huntingdonshire, and the UK in general, needs more new businesses,” they have told planners.


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