As veterinary surgeon Dr Nick Valley DVM MSc MRCVS prepares to retire from Amical in March, he reflects on his career and achievements since joining the practice in 1999, purchasing it two years later.
I qualified from Urmia university, Iran in 1987 with a DVM degree (Doctor of veterinary medicine). I worked for 7 years as a mixed practitioner in Iran before emigrating to the UK in 1994.

Initially I got my MSc degree in histopathology from Imperial College London university in 1996. I then went on to pass my MRCVS exams (the veterinary exams to be able to practice in UK) in 1998.
My first job as a veterinary surgeon was in fact here at Amical. The job was initially offered for 6 months but Elaine Stutard, the owner of Amical, offered me a permanent job soon after joining.
After two years of working at Amical I bought the practice in 2001, and after nearly 25 years I sold up in 2021, although I continued to work on as clinical director until 26th July 2024.

Amical veterinary centre is a purpose-built veterinary clinic as Elaine Stutart had a vision to bring an outstanding standard of veterinary care to March, Wisbech, Chatteris and surrounding villages.

It opened its doors on Friday 4th of August 1989 and television entertainer Bernie Winters and his dog Schnorbitz were there to cut the ribbon! The site was previously a wine shop owned and run by a French patron and so Elaine chose the name as it was derived from the French for amicable or friendly.
This wine warehouse still exists in Amical’s backyard and is used as further kennels and storage.
I have tried my best to follow Elaine Stutard’s legacy and attempted to carry on her vision to serve our community, clients and their pets with our friendly vets, nurses and staff alike.

I have become friends with many of our loyal clients and their pets alike. Indeed, many pets started their first vaccination with me and continued through until the end of their life and I knew and loved them as my own pets.
I was always delighted to catch up with them and shared the sadness when the time came to say goodbye.

This close relationship with our clients gave me energy to carry on and I would like to express my great gratitude and appreciation to all my beloved friends and clients for their support for the past 35 years.
I would like to say how much I will miss you all and all your pets.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all from bottom of my heart for all your loyalty, and support and I will not forget you and this wonderful corner of the Fens as I move on to my next adventure.

Dr Nick Valley – part of his ‘memory bank’ of photographs from a long and distinguished career, many of them spent serving the people of March, Cambridgeshire